adrian is rad



Filed under: — adrian @ 9:03 pm

I was just reminded by a voice mail from my parents that today’s my Namenstag.

Happy Namestag to me!

Freuliche Namenstag noch!

5 Responses to “namenstag”

  1. Dolphio Says:

    Adrian hat zwei Namenstage, Randolph hat kein. Ungerecht!

  2. ruthie Says:

    very weird, why do your parents know this?

  3. Adrian Says:

    My dad’s family is from Germany and they always celebrated, or at least noted, the passing of Namenstags. For a while my parents did it with us too, but they haven’t mentioned it in a few years.

  4. Milkshake Says:

    Ok – care to explain what this is for those of us who don’t speak German? I did a google search and I didn’t find anything about it – although this very entry shows up fourth if you request english only results.

  5. andy (not andyl) Says:

    My Namenstag is the 13. Oktober! Whee! Also, for those of you that can’t Deutsch.

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