adrian is rad


DC, in short

Filed under: — adrian @ 5:50 pm

I’m just outside of DC in Silver Spring, MD. My best friend Andy and I both have birthdays right around this Labor Day weekend and it’s a bigish birthday so I decided to make a big deal of it and fly here and invite people. Andy, Dave, Randy, Ian “the Mayour” Collier and respective significant others, along with my parents and brother came out for this Birthday Extravaganza.

I arrived Friday morning and I’m flying back tomorrow evening.

We did lots of fun stuff and some great hanging out.

Highlights include:

  • the big birthday dinner on Saturday night with some sort of humorous but also tragic confusion between wasabi and avacado
  • DC-9, beers with the friends
  • the Washington Nationals game with special appearance of Dale
  • cuban dinner with the fam and Ian and Ai-ris.
  • delicious and relaxing BBQ at the parl
  • Broken Flowers

ok. that’s all for now. have a nice day everybody.

Oh, and Katie, you didn’t scare me. I just don’t “talk” to “girls” “good.”

It was nice to meet all the new people I met this weekend!

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