adrian is rad


Johnny Clegg @ Slim’s

Filed under: — adrian @ 12:31 am

I saw Johnny Clegg at Slim’s last night. Johnny is a South African who is sometimes called the “White Zulu.”

It wasn’t my normal indie rock concert fair. The crowd was entirely different—much wider range of ages. It was good fun though. I was suprised at how few South Africans I heard. I mean, how do you hear about this guy if you’re not South African? Have any of you heard of him?

The music was good; many of the 80s-era cheesy keyboard lines weren’t recreated live, fortunately. Johnny told some interesting anecdotes and danced some in the Zulu style. He also speaks a fair amount of Zulu, it seems. One day I’ll be able to speak a fair amount of Zulu.

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