adrian is rad


JV on I Once was Canadian

Filed under: — adrian @ 9:55 pm

I confirmed today that John Vanderslice will be playing on my radio show in the 8am hour on August 25th, 2005. I’m really excited.

In the meantime check out this track from his new album, Pixel Revolt, coming out August 23rd.

Trance Manual – John Vanderslice

There is this part about 2/3 the way through where there’s this awesome plucked string part that adds to the hand bell part and then another string part on top of it.

2 Responses to “JV on I Once was Canadian

  1. dave Says:

    how did this awesomeness befall you?

  2. Adrian Says:

    I emailed him and asked him. He lives in SF so it isn’t a huge trip for him or anything—though apparently he goes to bed at 4am, so the 8am start time might be a bit early for him.

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