adrian is rad


8 things to do before Labor Day

Filed under: — adrian @ 10:11 am

Here’s a list:

  • Start my Pentax K1000/ Canon A40 self-made all-manual digital SLR
  • get a haircut
  • Sell 2-4 Wurlitzer electric pianos
  • order shirts for, make silk-screen for, silk-screen “Adrian is rad”* shirts**
  • have a blast with jon werberg while he’s out here
  • ask landlady about painting my room, pick colors, buy paint
  • try to find a firmer bed, a smaller desk, a dresser
  • learn php, get a start on internal online ticket giveaway system for KZSU

*The shirt came first, the blog with the same name second. I made it with iron on red letters a white shirt with blue ringers; the ones I’m going to make are basically the same except they’ll be silk-screened.

**Let me know if you want one (and your size). I don’t think I’m going to be able to swallow the cost on them so they’d be $8-$10 or whatever they cost me. I’ll see if I can get a picture of the original up soon.

3 Responses to “8 things to do before Labor Day”

  1. Dale Says:

    dude, that involves destroying a K 1000. That’s a crime. I will report you.

  2. Adrian Says:

    I’m going to get another one or a Pentax MX (probably the latter) to replace it. DON’T YOU WORRY.

  3. gillian Says:

    I rock at making shirts.

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