adrian is rad


more like Zakir Insane

Filed under: — adrian @ 12:23 am

Julee, Avni and I just saw Zakir Hussain play in San Jose. Originally he was schedule to play with Ali Akbar Khan, sarod master and guru-ji to my teacher Georgeji (George Ruckert), but Khansahib was sick, so it was just billed just as Zakir Hussain.

The first half had Alam Khan, 22 year old son to Ali Akbar, playing with Zakir. He performed well, but undoubtedly the same half with Khansahib would have been untouchable. The second half was Zakir performing accompanied by a violinist. He was mezmerizing. It’s really hard to describe the brilliance of his playing or the extent of his mastery.

Go see him sometime if you get a chance. And Ali Akbar Khan too.

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