adrian is rad


KEXP live music archive

Filed under: — adrian @ 11:18 pm

Holy crap. Forget KCRW’s Morning Becomes Electic on-air music archive (actually it’s definitely worth checking out if you haven’t) because I’ve found the KEXP Live Performance Archive. It has some sweet stuff. Two Sufjan performances. And how about this? A Ben Gibbard live perfomance where he does both “You remind me of home” and an acoustic cover version of “This is the Dream of Evan and Chan” (DNTL song with Gibbard–a line-up which later became the Postal Service).

status symbol

Filed under: — adrian @ 3:43 pm

I beat out johnston on the links on Amrys’ blog. I can’t believe I r00l this much.

another of my teams

Filed under: — adrian @ 2:12 pm

The Steelers do it again. It looks like this year might be the year for the one for the thumb.

After the BoSox (who, incidentally, were just named the Sports Illustrated Sportsmen of the Year), the Steelers doing well, I’m happy.

1 good way to screw over your sleep schedule

Filed under: — adrian @ 1:45 am

stay up all night, sleep intermittantly for the morning, sleep solidly from 1pm to 8pm.

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