adrian is rad


American Craft Beer Fest

Filed under: — adrian @ 8:40 am

Last weekend I went to the American Craft Beer Fest, trying 48 beers from 21 brewers. (There were 122 or so brewers there.) It was a good time and there were some great beers there.

I made a spreadsheet of the beers and my ratings of them.

13 Responses to “American Craft Beer Fest”

  1. Brad Says:

    Was that your first time trying the Double Sunshine? Nectar of the gods, ain’t it? Now I’ve got a hankering.

  2. adrian Says:

    Yeah, that’s a great beer. I’ve never had it before. Is there anywhere around here where one can get it?

  3. Brad Says:

    Don’t I wish. You have to drive up to VT, where it’s available at a handful of stores, and a few places on tap. It’s always been relatively scarce, but word is they just upped their production.

    Actually, there was a tasting at Craft Beer Cellar in Belmont last weekend during ACBF, so I’d imagine they started carrying it. Though I’d guess any deliveries don’t last long. Reminds me I should give them a call and check.

  4. adrian Says:

    I didn’t know about the Craft Beer Cellar. Wow that place looks awesome. Zipcar here I come.

  5. Brad Says:

    Yeah, that place is as great as it looks. A very knowledgeable and welcoming staff, and an excellent selection. I checked today, and they blew through their first shipment of Lawsons (10 cases!) in two hours. And that was limited to 2 bottles per person. Yikes. Pent-up demand, indeed.

  6. miss m Says:

    I wish i could experience something like this! I love exotic beer but dnot have the budget to travel to try it! tthis looks amazing!

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