adrian is rad



Filed under: — adrian @ 7:00 pm

I 3D printed Margaret an anotomical heart for Valentine’s day. It came out pretty well.

I actually printed three. I gave her the one on the far right.

5 Responses to “heart”

  1. Bence Says:


    Nice heart! How did you manage to print it out in 3d?O_o I would want to make one for my girlfriend as well, could you please tell me what kind of printer did you use?:)

    Thanks in advance


  2. adrian Says:


    I was fortunate enough to have access to 3D CAD data of a heart and a 3D printer. I printed it on a ZPrinter 650. I know there are some print-on-demand services for 3D printing but you’d still need to find the CAD data to send them. Perhaps it would be better to find a plastic model to purchase.

  3. colin Says:

    Where did you get 3d cad data of that heart?

  4. adrian Says:

    There was a model floating around at my old company.

  5. xavier Says:

    Beautiful heart model. Where did you get it ? Any possibilities that you send it to me ? Thanks !

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