adrian is rad



Filed under: — adrian @ 5:11 am

Amazingly, there were two perfect games thrown this month (only the 19th and 20th ever in major league baseball).

The first perfect game was thrown by Dallas Braden. He has mediocre numbers while pitching for a decent team. The opponent was easily the top team in baseball at the moment.

Roy Halladay threw perfect game on Saturday night. He’s widely acknowledged as a pitching ace. Playing for a top-of-the-division team, he pitched against one of the weaker teams in the league.

(See highlights at each of the ‘perfect game’ links.)

2 Responses to “perfect”

  1. Raymund Says:

    Then there was a third one, except for the umpire’s mistake.

  2. adrian Says:

    I saw that. It’s a disaster. The umpire even admitted his mistake. On out number 27, I know no reason not to retroactively change the outcome of the game. Apparently the commissioner has said he won’t, though.

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