adrian is rad



Filed under: — adrian @ 2:15 pm

I enjoyed watching this try by a Zimbabwean-born American against South Africa, blowing past one of the fastest players in international rugby. It’s from the last rugby World Cup.

2 Responses to “try”

  1. Jesse Says:

    Exciting! That was good! One guy had a good stiff-arm-like move and the scoring guy just escaped the shoestring tackle! There are probably other words people in the know would use to describe it…

  2. adrian Says:

    Yeah, I think the American players bring some American foodball moves to rugby. I forget what the announcers call the stiff arm–a “hold off” or something like that.

    The stiff-arm guy, by the way, is the first American to play Super 14 rugby, which is an SA, Aussie and New Zealand professional rugby league.

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