adrian is rad


I’ve never had a good poker face

Filed under: — adrian @ 6:01 am

The other day I had lunch at a nice pub/restaurant in Old Wynberg. A family friend had taken me there after our long wait at the Dept of Home Affairs. One of the specials was Thai chicken lasagna. It sounded interesting so I ordered it [1].

Me: This reminds of this Thai chicken pizza a friend made a few weeks ago. She made a peanut sauce instead of a tomato sauce and put cilantro and stuff on top. It was really good.

Family friend: Your mom mentioned you met a girl before you left.

Me, mostly to myself: Was it that obvious?

[1] It was both quite interesting and quite good. Who woulda thought?

re: new glasses

Filed under: — adrian @ 5:57 am


I don’t usually share personal emails here but I liked my mom’s response to my email to her about my new glasses was too precious to keep to myself:

date Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 9:28 AM
subject Re: new glasses

So elegant, what could be better for you?

And the facial hair?


Thanks, Mom.

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