adrian is rad


10 days

Filed under: — adrian @ 7:22 pm

Dave before the wedding

I just got back from 10 or 11 days on the east coast (depending whether you count from the time I left or landed, etc). The original reason for the trip was to go to Dave’s wedding, which was over Memorial Day weekend so I just extended it. I flew in and out of Charlotte, where my parents live now, and drove to Southwestern Virginia where the wedding was. (Though, couldn’t it have been in East Virginia so the song would have been applicable?)

The trip felt like four distinct parts parts and I’ll cover some of the highlights:


painting the fauxtobooth

There was plenty of work left to be done when I arrive for the wedding, so most of the wedding party spent the days leading up to the wedding helping out in any number of ways.

We also needed to get the fauxtobooth v2.0–a DIY digital photobooth–up and running. Andy and Randy wrote code, I debugged a circuit and soldered some to fix it, Dave built the photobooth box. We all (plus Crystal!) painted.

no photos at the court house, but I surreptitiously took one of the application for marriage license

There was a lot of delirious laughing about things, about the situation. Dave was going so strong he forgot to eat on Friday and the rest of us didn’t demand food so we ended up eating our first proper meal at 10pm. A fierce-looking spider crawled up my shorts in the car the day before the wedding. My understanding was that I said some funny things in my panic—I was not focused on what I said.


goofy Jeff at the wedding

economists’ style guide

Filed under: — adrian @ 3:26 pm

To try to prescribe language for everyone is futile but within a journalistic institution it makes sense. The Economist Style Guide has a section on solecisms. It’s pretty interesting and informative.

Still, some of it is obvious:

Simon Pure is the real person (or thing), and has nothing to do with Caesar’s wife or driven snow.

Duh, right? And how about this one:

Soi-disant means self-styled, not so-called.

In all seriousness, though, some are quite useful:

Continuous describes something uninterrupted. Continual admits of a break. If your neighbours play loud music every night, it is a continual nuisance; it is not a continuous one unless the music is never turned off.

Are there any other style guidelines online? I didn’t find any in a brief look.

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