adrian is rad



Filed under: — adrian @ 6:28 pm

Is “home” where you have a doctor you like, a car mechanic you swear by and a barber you always go to?

4 Responses to ““home””

  1. Colin Says:

    If so, then I have never been home – at least not in my adult life. At best, I’ve had 2 of the 3; at worst, 0.

  2. Jon Says:

    Yeah I’d say thats closer to heaven – or a mirage

  3. Lizzy Says:

    Nope. At least not objectively. “Home” is relative to the seeker. Maybe that is home for you, but I think that the definition is completely dependent on the individual.

    My “home” is where I can sleep and wake without a sense of urgency.

  4. adrian Says:

    I think it’s clear that there’s no objective definition of what makes something ‘home’.

    One of my favorite places that I called home–one of only a couple–I woke with great urgency nearly every day. It was great.

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