adrian is rad


recent photos

Filed under: — adrian @ 8:27 pm

Andy trying to slap me with his tie makes me really happy:

Trying to practice portraits, this was what I could find to be my subject:

For Colin, the only thing I could find (besides myself) to be my subject was the 2004 roadtrip bobblehead mascot:

I like this poster I’ve been seeing in my neighborhood. “No more!”

Wandering around Chinatown reminds me of Taipei:

My philly photoalbum and ghm.

2 Responses to “recent photos”

  1. Alex Says:

    That self portrait worked out pretty nicely :). Out of curiosity, did you take that shot with natural lighting or did you use an additional light source?

  2. adrian Says:

    Thanks. I used an SB-28 and a brolly, off camera.

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