adrian is rad


in our modern world

Filed under: — adrian @ 7:17 pm

In our modern world, borders still change. I find this fascinating. Particularly this list of territorial disputes. I mean, there’s even a dispute between Georgia and Tennessee.

One of the most ridiculous things is the territorial claims of the Republic of China (Taiwan, in common terms), illustrated well in this wikipedia graphic:

In many ways the real crazies seem to hang out on this list of active autonomist and secessionist movements.

3 Responses to “in our modern world”

  1. Colin Says:

    The fact that many borders are defined by the path of a river is problematic, because rivers change course. A good example of this is the Missouri River, which forms much of the boundary between Nebraska and Iowa. I was first exposed to this when I flew into Omaha with my wife to visit family on her father’s side. We flew into the Omaha airport and despite driving west, entered Iowa soon after leaving the airport. To add to my confusion, we left Iowa again in less than 2 minutes. Take a look at the border at this link so see why:,-95.912619&spn=0.046372,0.080338&z=14
    The settlement known as Carter Lake is part of Iowa.
    Also, if you follow the river north, you’ll find that there are a number of other places where the border doesn’t match the current path of the river.

    In any case, the dispute between Nebraska and Iowa over Carter Lake began in 1877 after a large flood in the Missouri river cut off the so-called Saratoga bend and placed what had been part of Iowa west of the Missouri River. This produced an oxbow lake, known as Carter Lake, which became a popular recreation area. The dispute over the area was finally resolved in 1892 by the Supreme Court. (See for more info)

  2. John Says:

    Republic of China HAS to make those claims.. ROC used to rule that area (bar a few territories) before the Communists won in the Chinese civil war. ROC a.k.a. Taiwan CANNOT renounce that territorial claim because any such action is tantamount to a move toward independence as considered by the People’s Republic of China and ROC renouncement of those claims to territory ruled by the PRC also technically means a declaration of war by the ROC against the PRC..
    You should have read about this matter before you labelled the ROC as claiming territory for ridiculous purposes.

  3. adrian Says:

    John, I know the history of the ROC and, having lived in Taiawn, I can say it’s ridiculous for them to make these claims because I know how little the average Taiwanese person cares about it.

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