adrian is rad


Light Footwork on KZSU tonight

Filed under: — adrian @ 11:16 am

Just a reminder that the Light Footwork will be playing live on KZSU tonight at 9pm PST. It’s the first live gig of this blog-acclaimed band. You can listen at 90.1FM or online.

Update: If you missed it, check this out (and the playlist). It starts a couple minutes in.

3 Responses to “Light Footwork on KZSU tonight”

  1. jdawg Says:

    wheres the newspecialfun?

  2. adrian is rad » NYE: Pan’s Labyrinth and the Light Footwork Says:

    […] Later in the evening, Gumbeaux and I went over to the Hotel Utah. I’ve known the guys from the Light Footwork for a while and recently heard them live for the first time. They were playing their first gig “out” with Joel Streeter at this small venue which has apparently been around forever. […]

  3. adrian is rad » I can’t complain Says:

    […] Second, my friends the Light Footwork played at Make Out Room. They have cheap beers. When’s the last time you got two pints (Anchor Steam and PBR) for $6? (Answer only if you live in an overpriced city.) The Light Footwork put on a fun show, as always. I also ran into KZSU alum Nick Mirov again. We chatted about SXSW and various bands. […]

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