adrian is rad


walking the tarmac

Filed under: — adrian @ 3:12 pm

I love walking the tarmac at airports to get to my plane. You get to do it a little bit at SJC, but most of the time I get to do is places like Mexico (CUN) or Zimbabwe (VFA). I feel like a pioneer of aviation when I’m walking across the tarmac to these great flying machines.

Playlist (with the Light Footwork)

Filed under: — adrian @ 7:09 am

Here’s my playlist from last night.

Sort of a pleasant last minute addition was the Light Footwork, a local indie pop band (from Palo Alto!), who came and guest DJed the first hour and change. I’d invited them on a while ago, but they only took me up on the offer yesterday. Turns out they’re fun guys (er, guy + girl). You can check out their new video, too.

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