adrian is rad


road trip USA

Filed under: — adrian @ 4:29 pm

Andy was tracing through our roadtrip route in Google Maps (which, incidentally, has a neat satellite photo option in the upper right corner if you haven’t noticed) so I decided to put my two road trip travel logs up on the web again.

Road Trip USA was July 13 – July 20, 2003. Andy Chadwick, Dave Franusich, Randy Oswald and myself covered 5600 miles from Pittsburgh to Santa Monica and back in a nutso crazy tour of our fine country. (If you haven’t read the Grand Canyon entry on this one yet, do so. It’s in the Wednesday entry.)

RoadTrip2 was June 13 – June 21, 2004, with andyl covering 4500 miles from Boston to Menlo Park through the American South.

I’m really glad I did these. I like reading through them again.

A quick note in this time of change in the Catholic hierarchy

Filed under: — adrian @ 2:56 pm

There is a lot of talking about Cardinals recently.

The correct form of a Cardinal’s name is first name Cardinal last name. Bernard Cardinal Law is correct; Cardinal Bernard Law is not. Cardinal Law is acceptable in short.

Just like you don’t say the name of the poet Lord Alfred Tennyson, but Alfred Lord Tennyson.

Please commence using the correct form. Newspapers can’t get it right.

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