adrian is rad


headphones mp3, streaming

Filed under: — adrian @ 4:21 pm

For Pedro the Lion fans or just music fans, give a listen to the Headphones. There’s a downloadable song and some songs you can stream from the album.

The Headphones is the synth+drums+vocals band of David Bazan (Pedro the Lion), TW Walsh (solo, PtL), and Frank Lenz (Starflyer 59).

It’s pretty exciting. It’s pretty crazy. The vocal melodies are all Bazan, and sound so familiar, but then I stop and listen to what’s backing him for a second and it’s a shock. No guitars. no guitars.

3 Responses to “headphones mp3, streaming”

  1. jesse Says:

    hot girls!

  2. jesse Says:

    (fyi, “hot girls” is one of their songs … I was being all sneaky like a bunny)

  3. Adrian Says:

    you’re weird like a bunny

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