adrian is rad


remember that time?

Filed under: — adrian @ 7:49 am

Remember that time I wanted to get new underwear and I couldn’t find where to get the ones I wanted. I went to Macy’s and Nordstrom’s and all those places and you said, no, you should just try Walgreen’s. I said, no, no, Walgreen’s won’t have them! I mean, Walgreen’s!

And then I found them at Walgreen’s?

That was funny.

right to the finger

Filed under: — adrian @ 7:43 am

A runner got arrested for flicking off SA President Jacob Zuma.

Maxwele was jogging on Cape Town’s De Waal Drive just before 6pm last Wednesday when a convoy of six government cars sped past him.

“I waved them away, as if to say ‘hamba’, because of the noise. After that a black BMW X5 pulled up and three guys jumped out, pointing guns at me,” Maxwele told Sowetan.

Say you want about the current or past US administrations but I think they would at least respect one’s right to flick them off.

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