power cuts, odd animals (in an urban context), ‘settling in’, $4.50
An email at work yesterday announced that there might be power cuts today between 9-10am and 3-4pm. Sure enough, around 9:30am and 3:50pm, each for about 10 minutes, there were power cuts. There are major power supply problems, the reasons for which go back years and depend on who you ask. I don’t think they’d ever do rolling power cuts in the States and if they did I don’t think they would have effected my job; the office was on the same grid as SF’s financial district and we never once has a single blip in our power.
I’ve started going for walks in the mornings. I’ve come across this guy a couple times. He’s a large, black, hairy, ugly boar, complete with tusks. There’s a small farm sort of thing a few blocks away and he seems to have wandered out and down the road on two days. One of those days I also saw two donkeys in the road. It’s a bit weird to be walking around the urban-ish/ suburban context and see these sort of animals just out and about.
“You must be getting pretty settled by now.” For various reasons that I’m going to be appropriately vague about, while I am getting used to stuff and settling in a couple aspects, I’m feeling pretty unsettled in other ways.
I’ve apparently gotten used to SA beer prices at bars. A cheap beer with cost you R12 (~$1.80) and a pricier one (or a 500ml beer) will cost up to R20 (~$2.90). Today at a bar, I asked how much a 500ml particularly good micro-brewed dark lager was and when they said R32 (~$4.50) I quickly chose something else, despite the fact that I’ve paid $4.50 for mediocre beer many a time.